
Currently, I am teaching a graduate course in algebraic geometry MATH 8253-8254 at the University of Minnesota and Linear Algebra MATH 5990 in Spring 2025.

Fall 2024 office hours are 

Mondays 1:30-2:30

Wednesdays 11-12

Please email me for specific requests (favero@umn.edu).

8254: Algebraic Geometry


3.0 [max 3.0]

Grading Basis:

A-F or Aud

Typically offered:

Periodic Spring

Sheaves, ringed spaces, and schemes. Morphisms. Derived functors and cohomology, Serre duality. Riemann-Roch theorem for curves, Hurwitz's theorem. Surfaces: monoidal transformations, birational transformations.

prereq: 8253 or instr consent